Showing posts with label dog - toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog - toys. Show all posts

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Pig Murder

While grocery shopping yesterday, I noticed this little pig with a solid rubber ball inside was on special. Bender had one before, and it lasted him an unusually long time. As the piggie was half price, I grabbed one and continued my shopping.

Unfortunately for the piggie, if you replace a toy that Bender once destroyed with an identical toy - the new toy is destroyed at a quicker rate. This is the damage after a couple of hours.

He ripped piggie's back open and then spent a while chomping on his solid rubber ball core. He also managed to destroy the toy I bought for Barbie in less than 5 minutes. I didn't take any pictures of that one, it went straight into the bin. 

Oh Bender, when will you learn! The more toys you destroy the less you have to annoying shove into our faces in your attempts to start a game of fetch! 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Stuffie Hunting - Barbie catches a Snake!

Australia has a reputation for it's dangerous wildlife. We have snakes that are not only venomous, but will fight to the death if they are attacked. It is not difficult to tell if a snake is venomous or not - odds are that it is, there are not many harmless snakes in Australia.

Usually snakes are shy and avoid humans at all costs. People are only usually bitten if they try to catch or kill the snake. The same goes for dogs.

It is very rare to find a snake just hanging out in your house, that is for sure.

Barbie the Fierce captured her prey in the living room after an intense battle. It was not easy, but with her lightning-fast Greyhound reflexes, she finally bagged herself a green-ringed-snake.

Turns out that this is one of the rare non-venomous snakes in Australia. Good thing too, because Barbie decided she would like to keep it as a pet, and carried it gently back to her bed.

Where was Bender when all this was happening? He was ripping apart his newest stuffie, of course.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Stop the Stuffie Massacre!

A lot of my regular readers will remember this post, where you were all introduced to this charming pink monkey. The monkey came to an agonising death last night - torn limb from limb.

Of course, Barbie was not the culprit. It was in fact N & Bender whose spirited game of tug of war resulted in monkey's grisly end.

Unfortunately Bender refused to pose with the pieces - instead he grabbed the monkey's head and threw it at me like a ball - somewhat macabre, I think.

So this leads me to a question - does anyone know of a 'tougher' stuffie which I can order online? I have heard of a tough dragon stuffie, but I cannot seem to get it into Australia. The problem is that Barbie will only play with stuffies, but if Bender gets hold of them, well, you can see what happens.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sibling Love

The dogs have been enjoying the way I rearranged the house for Barbie's Dancing with the Doggie Stars routine.

I went shopping at K-mart on the weekend. I don't go to K-mart often because it requires riding up a rather steep hill, and then negotiating a car park full of rubber-burning feral locals. It was a little bit wet too, which ensured there were a few vehicles deliberately losing traction and fishtailing in the wet. What happened to the old code that if you can't light 'em up in the dry, you have no right to in the wet?

Anyway K-mart sells a variety of things. I went to look for some cheap sporting attire, and some cheap bike bits (a $3 bell and $8 kickstand for Nic's bike, and a $18 bike computer for mine). I just happened to see a bin full of dog squeakies shaped like junk food. I selected a burger for Bender's fat mouth, and a hot dog for Barbie's skinny one.

I then gave them the toys and sat back to watch what happened.

I have taken photos of them playing tug-of-war with their toys in the loungeroom before, so I decided a video would be better this time.

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