Showing posts with label northern territory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label northern territory. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Litchfield National Park & Darwin

So we spent the last 4 days in Darwin, and visited Litchfield National Park.

The highlights:

Friday night - catching up with a guy who I haven't seen since just after high school
Saturday - eating in a little Lebanese cafe and enjoying the breeze ahead of a storm, then going for a cruise with D & J in the 4x4 and going to Robin Falls... and smashing my knee on a rock... and seeing J's place and seeing his mum and sister and having a little catchup.

Sunday - Breakfast on Cullen Bay, watching the little fishies, getting a rental car and checking out Litchfield and Batchelor, dinner at a seafood restaurant on the sea, feeling the wind kick up as a storm blew in and eating awesome Red Emperor...

Monday - Breakfast at a random cafe in the city, visiting the museum and seeing Sweetheart the 780kg saltwater crocodile (who was accidentally killed when they were relocating him, so was stuffed and put on display), and the Cyclone Tracey exhibition.

The Northern parts of Australia have had a record breaking wet season, and the rainfall figures are something I find hard to comprehend being from an arid place like Perth. The rain is best illustrated by these waterfalls! (view these FULL SCREEN!)

Wangi Falls (Litchfield)

Tolmer Falls (Litchfield)

Now this one is for houndstooth because she likes street signs...

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