We took my dog down to the river yesterday, and a dainty little greyhound girl trotted up, along with a big, beautiful, shiny Rottweiler. It was amazing seeing the contrast between the dogs. The grey was older, and very calm and quiet, but friendly enough to give my dog a sniff. She waited patiently by her owner's side while the Rotty gallavanted around, showing off his big muscles and beautiful curly (not docked) tail.
I want to adopt an ex-track greyhound. I just love them. They are such beautiful, graceful, athletic animals. Wifey, well she's not so sure. She is concerned about the cats. After a somewhat surprising incident which caught us off guard in which our youngest cat decided to take on a friend's old Blue Heeler where a nasty fight ensued, I had to reassess youngest cat's temprament. We will of course have to be careful introducing her to *any* new dog. I don't think it matters so much what type of dog.
Wifey liked the greyhound at the river though. It's weird it's like they have some kind of power over me. The park can be full of other dogs, and it's the grey my eyes are drawn to. My current dog also likes greys because they can run fast. He likes any dog that can run fast. Even kelpies that will try to round him up while he is busy chasing his ball.